Saturday, April 28, 2012


Well, been on land now for a few days and it sure is...different than the sea.  After being out to sea for 30 days, it seems as if nothing on land has changed, but perhaps internally I have changed? maybe?  I dunno.  Anyways, for the next few days I'll run special mini segments on things that happened on the boat that I thought were cool.  Today, I'll go over an average day on the boat, because it actually was quite different than many would expect. 

Wakie wakie was around 9AM.  at this time, GPS coordinates were obtained, the sky was watched for birds for an hour (normally laundry or other outdoor tasks were done at this hour interval as well.  Then I went inside for another nap til 3PM.  Now you may wonder "why is he sleeping away the day?  You'll see.  Anyways, got up at 3PM, took another GPS reading so I would know where we were setting the line (like around what area of the ocean) and then took ANOTHER nap til 7pm.  Then got to watch the sunset and sat around for 12 hours or so while they pulled in fish one by one.  Each one i would tell what species it was and every 3rd i would measure.  It was, well boring at times but audiobooks and being able to think really helped out.  Out there, you can actually think about life.  There are no distractions, no email no phone no internet, so being able to clear your mind is actually quite the easy task, you dont have to try, it comes naturally.  Well anyways, after you haul all the gear, that was it, at about 6 or 7 AM you went to bed, and rinsed and repeated again!  and this went on for about 16 sets for me so...the first few were tough but ya got used to it after a while. 

So as you can see, I put a few pictures of sunsets inbetween all this.  Ch-chek em out and enjoy!  Tomorrow, a feature on FOOD!

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