Thursday, May 3, 2012

here fishy fishy fishy

FIIIIIIISH!  Oh how we caught so many of them! like over a thousand!  every night was a potporui of different fish and therefore I shall showcase some of the caught ones here

First, we shall start with what we were out there to catch.  This is a yellowfin tuna.  you can tell by the huge yellow fins on the dorsal and anal sides.  This guy was pretty big as you can see by the boots around him.

This guy is a shark bitten yellowfin tuna.  About the same size as the other, however it got destroyed by sharks.  Normally animals like this would be eaten by the crew as some of that crazy fresh shashimi

The next fish we were trying to catch was a bigeye tuna.  They look a little different than yellowfin tuna.  Can you notice the differences?

This is an escolar.  Also known as an oilfish, these guys are eaten, however eating too much of them will cause you some serious tummy trauama.  Reason being they are extremely oily and will coat your GI tract like a slip and slide.  anyways, most of the time, these guys came on board alive and were thrown into the ice hold alive, not gutted or anything.  kinda weird I know.

 This is another escolar and you can see round bites on it.  These are from Cookie Cutter sharks who have mouths that kind of look like melon ballers, hence the round holes all over this guy.  On the back end however, I believe there is a pinch of squid damage.  This is because how stringy the attack looks vs. the intense deep cuts caused by the shark as pictured above.

This was the number one fish we caught and weren't trying to catch.  This is the lancetfish.  These guys are extremely soft bodied and oftentimes their heads would pop right on em as they came aboard!  crazy stuff

MONCHONG MONCHONG MONCHONG!  This is a dagger pomfret, although they sometimes go by the family name of just Monchong.  These guys you can see the little daggers on their back keel (aka watch yourself, those daggers can keeeel!) haha. 

Last for today is a snake mackerel.  They kinda look like lancetfish, however there are some differences.  Can you spot em haha...i like playing these games.  Tomorrow, more fish! and perhaps even a ray OR a shark!

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff man, Hey I do skull taxidermy and my preference for my personal collection is the toothy critters. You think it would be at all possible for you to save me a lancetfish and snake mackerel head the next time you come across good size ones,I would be happy to pay to ship them over to me in Florida. Here's a close relative we have locally that I did the skull of, the atlantic cutlassfish
    shoot me an email at
