Thursday, May 10, 2012


Chyeah, I think my blog has been a bit boring as of recently, so lemme post some pics of sharks to spice things up.  A quick land update for those who are wondering.  Been on land now 2 and a half weeks and stuff is startin to get MASSIVLEY boring.  Risk every other night, and massive amounts of music experimentation are keeping me sane.  I had a mustache for the past couple weeks.  It was epic and bushy, however the time finally came for me to let it go.  Wow I am talking about nonsense...lets get to the pictures and captions!

First we have here this dude!  He is known as a crocodile shark.  They get to be about like 3 feet long and are bendy bendy!  You gotta pick these dudes up by their girls otherwise they could bite you anywhere else!  They are that flexible.  Unfortunatly, they get the hooks lodged right up in their mouths nice and good so normally we had to cut their jaws in half in order to free em :[  Oh well le sigh :\

Next on the list is this guy!  This is a shortfin mako shark and he is...well he is dead when we brought him aboard.  I got to snag a nice pic of me ridin him because...well when you bring a 8.5 foot shark aboard, you just gotta ride him like a horsey! :D  They are slightly different than the longfin mako which will be presented later in the pictures.

This guy here is a silky shark.  They are one of the MANY brown sharks we got going on in the pacific.  These were by far the most common sharks we caught.  The easiest way to determine they were silky sharks was the little black tips they had on their fins you can see below.  Most of these guys were caught alive and ranged from 2-6 feet in length so they really ran the gambit of sizes!

This is a blue shark.  Normally I was able to ID these guys a few feet out from the boat due to their completly different body structure and color.  They were sleek and blue, which the mako sharks did NOT share with them because the mako sharks were kinda chubby and not as brilliant blue as these guys.  Speaking of makos.. . .

This my friends is a longfin mako shark.  Notice how chubby they look.  Another big difference between the longfin and shortfin makos are the longfins (as seen in picture 2 below) have a "5 o'clock shadow".  Pretty gnarley eh?  They should SHAVE MORE!  those cheapy sharks!  Well, I am slowly getting better at posting pictures. . . hahaha.  By the way, most of these animals I have more than 3 pictures of them @ different angles and such, so if you ever want to see any animal in another angle, lemme kno and I'll post it!  Good day!  Off for a quick hike.

1 comment:

  1. sharrrrkkkkssss! :D the silky shark looks super smooth. great entry sir ;)
