Thursday, May 10, 2012


Chyeah, I think my blog has been a bit boring as of recently, so lemme post some pics of sharks to spice things up.  A quick land update for those who are wondering.  Been on land now 2 and a half weeks and stuff is startin to get MASSIVLEY boring.  Risk every other night, and massive amounts of music experimentation are keeping me sane.  I had a mustache for the past couple weeks.  It was epic and bushy, however the time finally came for me to let it go.  Wow I am talking about nonsense...lets get to the pictures and captions!

First we have here this dude!  He is known as a crocodile shark.  They get to be about like 3 feet long and are bendy bendy!  You gotta pick these dudes up by their girls otherwise they could bite you anywhere else!  They are that flexible.  Unfortunatly, they get the hooks lodged right up in their mouths nice and good so normally we had to cut their jaws in half in order to free em :[  Oh well le sigh :\

Next on the list is this guy!  This is a shortfin mako shark and he is...well he is dead when we brought him aboard.  I got to snag a nice pic of me ridin him because...well when you bring a 8.5 foot shark aboard, you just gotta ride him like a horsey! :D  They are slightly different than the longfin mako which will be presented later in the pictures.

This guy here is a silky shark.  They are one of the MANY brown sharks we got going on in the pacific.  These were by far the most common sharks we caught.  The easiest way to determine they were silky sharks was the little black tips they had on their fins you can see below.  Most of these guys were caught alive and ranged from 2-6 feet in length so they really ran the gambit of sizes!

This is a blue shark.  Normally I was able to ID these guys a few feet out from the boat due to their completly different body structure and color.  They were sleek and blue, which the mako sharks did NOT share with them because the mako sharks were kinda chubby and not as brilliant blue as these guys.  Speaking of makos.. . .

This my friends is a longfin mako shark.  Notice how chubby they look.  Another big difference between the longfin and shortfin makos are the longfins (as seen in picture 2 below) have a "5 o'clock shadow".  Pretty gnarley eh?  They should SHAVE MORE!  those cheapy sharks!  Well, I am slowly getting better at posting pictures. . . hahaha.  By the way, most of these animals I have more than 3 pictures of them @ different angles and such, so if you ever want to see any animal in another angle, lemme kno and I'll post it!  Good day!  Off for a quick hike.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

here fishy fishy fishy

FIIIIIIISH!  Oh how we caught so many of them! like over a thousand!  every night was a potporui of different fish and therefore I shall showcase some of the caught ones here

First, we shall start with what we were out there to catch.  This is a yellowfin tuna.  you can tell by the huge yellow fins on the dorsal and anal sides.  This guy was pretty big as you can see by the boots around him.

This guy is a shark bitten yellowfin tuna.  About the same size as the other, however it got destroyed by sharks.  Normally animals like this would be eaten by the crew as some of that crazy fresh shashimi

The next fish we were trying to catch was a bigeye tuna.  They look a little different than yellowfin tuna.  Can you notice the differences?

This is an escolar.  Also known as an oilfish, these guys are eaten, however eating too much of them will cause you some serious tummy trauama.  Reason being they are extremely oily and will coat your GI tract like a slip and slide.  anyways, most of the time, these guys came on board alive and were thrown into the ice hold alive, not gutted or anything.  kinda weird I know.

 This is another escolar and you can see round bites on it.  These are from Cookie Cutter sharks who have mouths that kind of look like melon ballers, hence the round holes all over this guy.  On the back end however, I believe there is a pinch of squid damage.  This is because how stringy the attack looks vs. the intense deep cuts caused by the shark as pictured above.

This was the number one fish we caught and weren't trying to catch.  This is the lancetfish.  These guys are extremely soft bodied and oftentimes their heads would pop right on em as they came aboard!  crazy stuff

MONCHONG MONCHONG MONCHONG!  This is a dagger pomfret, although they sometimes go by the family name of just Monchong.  These guys you can see the little daggers on their back keel (aka watch yourself, those daggers can keeeel!) haha. 

Last for today is a snake mackerel.  They kinda look like lancetfish, however there are some differences.  Can you spot em haha...i like playing these games.  Tomorrow, more fish! and perhaps even a ray OR a shark!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Food on the boat was say the least.  Not that I dislike strange food by any means, but some of it was out there.  So, meal times were at the end of the haul (6am), at the end of the set (3pm) and in the middle of the haul (11pm).  These may sound like very strange times with no real correlation to one another, and this is true, but they were the only times to eat.  You frequently had a huge bowl and would stuff it with rice.  After this, there was always the option of hot land food and sea food, always choices, however they may not have many peoples likings.  The fishermen would always have to gut the fish and therefore intestines, stomaches, ovaries, and testes were always at the table.  Also the cheeks of tuna were there which tasted great.  The intestines though, were quite chewey and contained a lot of cholesterol according to the crew, not exactly my cup of tea.

What was really good though was Ice cream!  yes, there was Ice cream on the boat and I had it for my birthday!  Otherwise, there were some strange things I had to get used to like eating with my hands again.  This boat, a lot like indonesia, was well...foreign, and the people on it preferred to used their hands to eat everything.  No forks or knives or spoons or even CHOPSTICKS!  just your two hand plowin away at the food.  Kinda gross I know but eating with utensils when I got back to mainland was really a treat.  Oh and on a side note, I am forever spoiled with sushi/shashimi seeing how i got to eat THE FRESESHET shashimi in the world  RIGHT off a yellowfin tuna with a sharkbite from the water, like just took a bite outta it!  Well, no pictures today, but next time, a special on fish where i'll show plenty of them!  Until next time

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Well, been on land now for a few days and it sure is...different than the sea.  After being out to sea for 30 days, it seems as if nothing on land has changed, but perhaps internally I have changed? maybe?  I dunno.  Anyways, for the next few days I'll run special mini segments on things that happened on the boat that I thought were cool.  Today, I'll go over an average day on the boat, because it actually was quite different than many would expect. 

Wakie wakie was around 9AM.  at this time, GPS coordinates were obtained, the sky was watched for birds for an hour (normally laundry or other outdoor tasks were done at this hour interval as well.  Then I went inside for another nap til 3PM.  Now you may wonder "why is he sleeping away the day?  You'll see.  Anyways, got up at 3PM, took another GPS reading so I would know where we were setting the line (like around what area of the ocean) and then took ANOTHER nap til 7pm.  Then got to watch the sunset and sat around for 12 hours or so while they pulled in fish one by one.  Each one i would tell what species it was and every 3rd i would measure.  It was, well boring at times but audiobooks and being able to think really helped out.  Out there, you can actually think about life.  There are no distractions, no email no phone no internet, so being able to clear your mind is actually quite the easy task, you dont have to try, it comes naturally.  Well anyways, after you haul all the gear, that was it, at about 6 or 7 AM you went to bed, and rinsed and repeated again!  and this went on for about 16 sets for me so...the first few were tough but ya got used to it after a while. 

So as you can see, I put a few pictures of sunsets inbetween all this.  Ch-chek em out and enjoy!  Tomorrow, a feature on FOOD!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Always...trying not to live like an animal

Been a while...since my last post but figured since class is done and I passed and all I can fill out some details.  Class was HARD...the midterm was brutal and I really had to work my tukus off in order to pass the class, I was allowed to get only two wrong on the species ID final which earned me my new nickname "two point tony".  But I did it (i actually got the highest grade in the class) and was super happy with myself.  Otherwise, the last week of class was quite eventful.  We went to a marine mammal park in which we saw a false killer whale (that black thing below) and a bottle nosed dolphin.  Both were pretty cool to see.  Otherwise, the only other big thing that happened last week was the rain.  It rained for like 4 days striaght like torrential downpour which made the mood quite a sombre one.  Friday, after the test, there was a party at Prospect house.  Quite disjointed, but it was fun, and then spent the whole weekend catching up on sleep and such.  Monday, tuesday etc etc.  This week has been passing like a blur.  Waiting for my boat to finally come and a call to come to my cell phone saying "come on down to the gear shack, time for you to leave".  Until then, I am busy trying to not spend money (which is easy) and cooking and eating and enjoying the island cheaply.  The picture above which I never mentioned was of a beautiful rainbow I caught on a walk home.  I was kinda late on it however because it was a double rainbow like ten minutes earlier.  I plan tomorrow to go on a big hike to the falls.  I know I have been sayin it forever, however I want a day that isnt so rainy or hot both of which seem to only exist out here in hawaii.  Still sorting plans for st. pats but I know ill get some corned beef and cabagge in me.  Hopefully post again soon.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Oh the places you'll go

Well lets start this with what many of you have requested, a quick shot of where I live.  The first picture is of the view out my front door.  The second is of the "house" I live in.  I put house in quotes is essentially a flop house where we are constantly fighting the urge to live like animals.  Depending on the roomates, some days it is easier than others.  It feels like a Hunter S. Thompson novel/story in all reality however most of the time.

Yes, I got to dress up as a fireman.  Cool stuff eh?  We then proceded to run though a "zero visiblitiy maze" and when i say run I really mean fumble around.  It was a training simulation for us because if the power ever goes out in a boat, we may have to do something similar to find the top deck.  It was dark...and when I mean dark I mean DARKK!!!  very unique experience and dressing up as a fireman was pretty funny and cool. Hope my pops gets a kick outta it.

Damage control:  how a little leak becomes a big problem.  Shoving items into holes to try to contain a flood is hard work.  Friday was all about situational training, first was that above picuture with the zero visiablity maze, followed by this damage control followed by some other fun activities.

Like donning our immersion suits and looking like gumby!  These things were like 9 mm suits that kept us nice and warm in the water.  We did all sorts of activities in the water such as....

 Making a star together!  It is the most effiecnt way to be noticed by an airplane if said emergency situation happens.  After this traing, we went over to...
 Testing out life jackets.  I apparantly am an amazing example because every single life jacket rights me in the water.  So no matter what, as long as I have a life jacket on, if i am knocked into the water unconscious, i will not drown.  A VERY comforting thought I must say.  The final part of that day we....
 Got to play with flares and smoke signals!  Yay orange stinky smoke!  Because we were the last group, we shot off tons of decomissioned aka out of date flares.  There were some duds, but it was beyond cool to actually set of flares in a non emergency situation.  It was quite the cool day of training, and a nice way to end the week.
Then came saturaday where I went on a MONSTER HIKE/WALK with my bunkmate josh.  We walked all the way down and around diamonhead crater.  We never really did get up diamondhead because...well...we thought there was a shortcut, butttt there wasnt.  Oh well.  It was still a really nice walk and got some decent pizza at the end.

Finally today was quite the wash of a day.  Went to walmart to get some odds and ens, but overall just spent most of it studying for the huge species ID test tomrorow.  Not intimidated by any means, but it is gonna be a toughie and I know it.  Studying must continue, I took enough of a brake!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wilderness First Aid

Must admit, for the past few days, Wilderness first aid as been a really fun class.  So part of the whole 3 week training I must complete is this Wilderness first Aid.  It is an absolutly rockin class where I am learning how to take care of OH NOEEE situations in the wild, aka away from the urban setting.  It is quite different in the wild when compared to an urban setting, and being on these boats is pretty isolated, so the stuff I am learning will (well I hope not) be very useful.  Today, it started DOWNPOURING in the park we were practicing, so the first half of class went great then we actually got to discuss hypothermia when some people were commming down with the chills.  My insane body heat and ability to grow fur kept me realitivly warm, although some people seemed quite adverse to being soaked.  IT IS HAWAII!  Even though it felt cold, it was MAYBE 70 @_@ wussies!  Anyways, cleaning the dirt out of a deep laceration with a syringe of water was pretty cool I must admit.  After all this, we found ourselves in a parking garage finishing up class.  In total today, I learned how to deal with burn, lightning, unresponsive, cold, sports related injury, and shock vitims.  Pretty cool stuff and pretty useful.  Looking forward to more of this tomrorow.  On a side note, was kind of glad I limited my electronics I brought with me today, becuase EVERYTHING in my bag was soaked....bummer....thankfully it was only a tupperware with my lunch in it and a few other odds and en's.