Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wilderness First Aid

Must admit, for the past few days, Wilderness first aid as been a really fun class.  So part of the whole 3 week training I must complete is this Wilderness first Aid.  It is an absolutly rockin class where I am learning how to take care of OH NOEEE situations in the wild, aka away from the urban setting.  It is quite different in the wild when compared to an urban setting, and being on these boats is pretty isolated, so the stuff I am learning will (well I hope not) be very useful.  Today, it started DOWNPOURING in the park we were practicing, so the first half of class went great then we actually got to discuss hypothermia when some people were commming down with the chills.  My insane body heat and ability to grow fur kept me realitivly warm, although some people seemed quite adverse to being soaked.  IT IS HAWAII!  Even though it felt cold, it was MAYBE 70 @_@ wussies!  Anyways, cleaning the dirt out of a deep laceration with a syringe of water was pretty cool I must admit.  After all this, we found ourselves in a parking garage finishing up class.  In total today, I learned how to deal with burn, lightning, unresponsive, cold, sports related injury, and shock vitims.  Pretty cool stuff and pretty useful.  Looking forward to more of this tomrorow.  On a side note, was kind of glad I limited my electronics I brought with me today, becuase EVERYTHING in my bag was soaked....bummer....thankfully it was only a tupperware with my lunch in it and a few other odds and en's.

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