Monday, February 27, 2012

Class: a summary of boredom

Never really gave a summary of class, but now I finally will.  I get up ehhh 6:30 or so, shower, and catch the 7:00 bus.  The 3 miles or so takes about 40 minutes to traverse due to all the stops and traffic, but I utilize this time to study and do some intense people watching which could be considred a sport here because of the interesting people that board and leave the bus.  Arriving at school, I go to the 11th floor up some crazy lookin elevators, and then class is from 8-12 normally.  There are 2-4 5 min breaks which are never long enough to relax but enough to use the loo and such.  Then lunch is always great, going to get fresh sushi for like 5.00 or some other random food eats...its always a great time.  Followed by this, class from 1-4:30 is like autopilot...normally pretty dull but with its occasional excitement.  Then it is straight home for studying and unwinding, perhaps making a quick dinner or playing vulture and eating what other people make.

Today went, pretty much to schedule.  The only things that I decided to mix it up with were I went to the eye doctor and made an appointment for tomorrow.  Did well on the quizzes once again, some little tricky things, but otherwise doing well in the class.  Looking forward to tomorrow, we being Wilderness Survival classes, hopefully tons of hilarious pictures to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I just can't believe how boring your life in Honolulu, getting ready for life on a boat, enjoying fresh fish daily, and all all that other boring stuff.
