Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wow what a crazy few days

So, not been around for a few days to post but oh many many things have happened.  First and foremost, Thursday was a crazy day becasue we went to a lab where they bring specimines back from trips.  Was quite gnarly the things I saw there, all kindsa fish including a lancetfish, mola, tuna, sharks, and an assortment of other fish were found.  The one with the nasty fangs above is a lancet fish.  The whole 8-5 class thing is pretty grueling, learning so much in sucha short amount of time, somewhere like 100 species or so a week?  Yeah...purrty crazy, but they want us out on the water quick so i guess this is a good thing eh?

Friday was up SUPER early, actually spent the night over at prospect house.  We started walkin to work at 4:30 and were there for 5:15.  A pretty early time to be at the building so we could go to....the fish auction!  The fish auction is where the boats offload their fishy goods and seeing how it is a public auction, anyone may buy them, although we were there just to observe.  Saw many tunas, dolphinfish, baracuddas, and even some opahs!  all of these are pictured above.  Was chilly in there, but shorts and a t-shirt were ok, nothing like new jersey winter weather.  After this, more class followed by some R&R back at good ol' palolo house.  Kinda missed not spending the night there the night b4 and felt good to go back "home" to my bed.  Anyways, my bunkmate mentioned that he rented a car for the weekend and that he wanted to go on a hike tomorrow, so i was stoked and prepared myself accordingly.

Saturaday, we hiked out on Kawaii? point?  Not exactly sure where this place was, just knew it was past Tent City (think occupy wall st. but even more disheveled people) and west west west on the island.  It was an enjoyable hike out, and we managed to see laysan albatross nesting which was super cool, and one was so close we could get a good picture of her chick (that little grey fluffball :) ).  We also saw a small pod of humpback whales in the distance and got some epic scenery on the way back.  what a beautiful place hawaii is.  Got back and started on homework and worked hard on it and studied on marine mammals and sharks.

Sunday or today, I have just been workin on sharks and marine mammals.  I have 15 shark species and 16 marine mammals to memorize.  Glad i started this yesterday, there are some REALLL tough uns!  My bunkmate helps me gross amounts learning these things, and I always go outta my way to thank him by saying thankyou 100times over haha.  Well, I guess i gotta get back to studying, long enough of a distraction here.  BTW, any suggestions, please ask em, More pictures needed? longer explinations? just lemme know, I have a lot more pictures and a lot more to say, but I am trying to curtail the babbling on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. more pictures! less babbling! haha, just kidding. :P i like your entries, the babble is fun to read, but perhaps more pictures in other entries? use this one as a model, it's your best entry so far. :)
